Professor Hugh Elton
BA (Sheffield), DPhil (Oxford)
Program Coordinator, Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
Lady Eaton College, LEC S107
705-748-1011 ext. 7838
Prof. Elton specializes in Roman and Late Roman political and military history, and the regions of Cilicia and Isauria in southern Turkey. He has participated in a number of archaeological projects, most recently running a multi-period interdisciplinary survey in the GöksuValley near Alahan, and providing advice about best practice for the archaeology of the BTC pipeline.
Prof. Elton has taught in the Ancient Greek and Roman Studies programme since 2006. His teaching has included courses on the Trojan War, the history of the Roman world (including a number of upper-year courses focusing on the Late Roman Empire in the East), ancient warfare, Isauria, Anglo-Saxon England, Greek and Latin.
Prior to his arrival at Trent, Prof. Elton taught at a number of American Universities since 1993, and from 2001 through 2006 served as Director of the British Institute at Ankara.
Recent Publications
Jacobs, I. and Elton, H., eds., Asia Minor in the Long Sixth Century: Current Research and Future Directions (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2019)
The Late Roman Empire in late antiquity: a political and military history (Cambridge: CUP, 2018, hardback and paperback)
Haldon, J., Elton, H., and Newhard, J., Archaeology and Urban Settlement in late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia (Cambridge: CUP, 2018, hardback and paperback)
“Agricultural Decision Making on the south coast of the Black Sea in Classical Antiquity”, in Coskun, A., ed., Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2021), 343-355.
Recent Presentations
December 2021: “The Late Roman Army: a case of barbarization?”, Coins, Riches, and Lands, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (remote)
July 2021: “Planning a field survey: lessons from the Göksu and Avkat Surveys”, in SA598 Field Methods, METU Settlement Archaeology, Ankara, Turkey (remote)
June 2021: with Jim Newhard and John Haldon, “Feeding Constantinople: from farm to capital”, Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity 14, Ohio State University, Ohio (remote)
May 2021: “Managing imperial political crises in the reign of Zeno (474-491)”, Crises of Leadership in the Eastern Roman Empire (250-1000 CE), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (remote)
April 2021: with Çetin Şenkul, Mustafa Doğan, Aziz Ören, Fikri Kulakoğlu, Warren Eastwood, and Uğur Doğan, “Genesis of the Beyşehir Occupation Phase: Understanding the Socio-Environmental systems of Anatolia and Interactions from Kültepe-Kanesh and Paleoecological Records”, Winds of Change: Environment and Society in Anatolia, 15th International ANAMED Annual Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey (remote)