THIS AD FOR CUPE UNIT 2 Marker/Grader position is OPEN.
You must be a registered Student at Trent University in order to apply.
The Department of Cultural Studies invites applications for CUPE 3908 Unit 2 Student Marker in
CUST-2582H WI 2025 (64 hours)
Positions are at various times during this Academic Year.
The hourly rate of pay is in accordance with CUPE 3908 Unit 2 Student Marker may be found in Appendix A Wage Rates on page 57 of the CUPE Unit 2 collective agreement: .
**The hourly pay rate is subject to ratification.
Student Markers (SM) shall be defined as an enrolled Trent University student whose assigned duties may include but are not limited to the following:
Marking, grading, calculating and recording grades of students’ work;
Marking preparation based on course materials;
Marking and grading of lab reports/ assignments, tests, exams and essays;
Commenting upon students’ work as required.
Duties related to the position, shall be determined by the person(s) who has (have) principal responsibility for the course.
- Qualifications: MA in progress; experience grading Cultural Studies courses an asset, have experience working with Blackboard, have experience marking at a university level, have some training in humanities research and scholarship
Application: Applicants should send a Resume and a copy of most recent Academic Summary
Submit Resume by email to and please address to:
Professor Kelly Egan, c/o Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, Cultural Studies Department, SH 202, Traill College 705-748-1011 x. 7733
Enquiries may be directed to:
Deadline for receipt of applications: December 4, 2025
All positions are subject to budgetary approval by the Dean’s office. THIS AD IS FOR RETURNING TRENT STUDENTS ONLY