Contact Officer: Institutional Accessibility Advisor, Equity and Human Rights Office.
Provide direction to staff and faculty on the manner in which to respond to requests for documents in accessible formats or requests for specific communication supports made by individuals to the University under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
When possible, departments should receive and respond to requests for accessible formats and communication supports directly with the individual making the request. Staff and faculty are encouraged to consult the “Website Resources” page of the Marketing and Communications website to gain information on accessible creation of websites and documents.
When a department requires additional information or support in meeting such a request, the department is responsible for contacting the Equity and Human Rights Office (EHRO). EHRO will then work with the department and the individual in order to meet this request in a timely manner, taking into account the needs of the individual requesting support and the resources/capacity of the University. Information and support provided by EHRO may include providing departments with further direction on creating accessible documents and providing clarification and support in accessing appropriate resources for conversion of materials.
Requests made directly to EHROf will be referred to the relevant department. EHRO will provide necessary support to departments in meeting requests, as outlined above. Departments are generally responsible for creating and converting documents and any related costs.
Under the AODA, when requests for accessible formats or communication supports cannot be met, either because a type of information cannot be converted or the University does not have access to required technology for converting the information, the University is required to provide an explanation to the requesting individual as to why the information cannot be converted. A summary of requested information is also required to be provided to the individual.
Current students requiring accessible formats of course materials should contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Bata Library and the Trent Bookstore can work in conjunction with SAS to provide access to accessible textbooks and resources.