Faculty associated with the Frost Centre M.A. and Ph.D. programs
The Frost Centre draws members from Trent’s humanities and social sciences departments. Their presence and interaction create the interdisciplinary core for both the M.A. and Ph.D. programs. We encourage you to contact Frost Centre members and discuss with them your interest in specific research projects that you could pursue at the Frost Centre.
Frost Centre members are organized below alphabetically. Click on a faculty name to see Frost Centre member's webpage.
Frost Centre Faculty - Adjunct Faculty - Emeritus Faculty
Suzanne J. Bailey
Professor, English, BA (Queen's), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Research Interests: 19th Century literature and culture, aging studies, Canadian modernism, travel writing, women's writing
Nicole Bell
Associate Professor, School of Education, BA (Trent), BEd, MEd (Queen’s), PhD (Trent)
Research Interests: Infusion of Indigenous knowledge in education, Anishinaabe culture-based education and Anishinaabe research theory and methodology
Nael Bhanji
Associate Professor, Gender & Social Justice, BA (Queen's), MA (Toronto), PhD (York)
Research Interests: Race and Racialization; Necropolitics; Biopolitics; Trans theory; Affect; Emotion; Psychoanalysis; Queer theory; Masculinities; Memory and memorialization; Diaspora; Transnationalism; Political economies of violence; Surveillance; Social Justice
Cathy Bruce
President & Vice-Chancellor and Professor, Education, MA, PhD (Toronto)
Research Interests: teacher self-efficacy and student self-efficacy, technological-pedagogical interactions and impact, mathematics education, assessing models of professional development, mathematics for young children, fractions, algebra and spatial reasoning.
Kristy Buccieri
Associate Professor, Sociology, BSocSc (Ottawa), MA (Carleton), PhD (York)
Research Interests: homelessness, health care, public health, policy, service provision
Nadine Changfoot
Professor, Political Studies, BA (York), MA (Carleton), PhD (York)
Research Interests: art and politics (especially disability, community arts, arts based research with those who are marginalized), community engaged scholarship, political economy, political and feminist theory (19th century and contemporary)
May Chazan
Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair, Gender & Social Justice, BA (Waterloo), BEd (OISE), MA, PhD (Carleton)
Research Interests: Feminist, decolonial, anti-racist, intergenerational, and queer approaches to conceptualizing, analyzing, and storying activisms; Drawing on intergenerational storytelling methodologies, community-engaged practices, arts-based research, oral history, and activist archives to unsettle dominant conceptions of “activism” and explore diverse forms of resistance, resurgence, resilience, alliance, and solidarity.
Sally Chivers
Professor, English, BA (Calgary), PhD (McGill)
Research Interests: Disability Studies, Canadian Literature and Film, Western Canada, Gender, Aging Studies.
Jenn Cole
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies, BA, MA (Trent), PhD (Toronto)
Research Interests: Indigenous performance as it intersects with cultural continuance; Indigenous joy; settler/Indigenous relations; and reciprocal relationship to the Land, especially at the site of the Kiji Sibi/Ottawa River.
James Conolly
Professor, Anthropology, BA (Toronto), MA, PhD (University College London)
Research Interests: landscape archaeology; historical ecology; geoinformatics; radiocarbon modelling; lithic raw materials and technologies (Great Lakes)
Cristine de Clercy
Professor, Political Studies, & Jarislowsky Chair in Trust & Political Leadership, BA, MA (Saskatchewan), PhD (Western)
Research Interests: the ethical practice of politics, fiduciary responsibility and democratic governance; leadership; Canadian politics and political systems
Christopher Dummitt
Professor, Canadian Studies, BA (Trent), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Simon Fraser)
cdummitt@trentu.ca www.christopherdummitt.com
Research Interests: Canadian culture and politics, especially, though not exclusively, Canada since 1945.
Finis Dunaway
Professor, History, BA (North Carolina), PhD (Rutgers)
Research Interests: Modern United States cultural, environmental, and political history; American Studies; visual culture.
Caroline Durand
Associate Professor, History, BA, MA (Montréal), PhD (McGill)
Research Interests: Québec history, from 1867 to the present, from social, cultural and political perspectives. Food history, 1880-1980. Particular interest for the history of popular music, the Quiet revolution, and women's history.
Charmaine Eddy
Associate Professor, English, MA (Western Ontario), PhD (Toronto)
Research Interests: Twentieth century American fiction; African-American fiction; theories of subjectivity, gender and sexuality; theories of race and ethnicity; psychoanalytic theory.
Kevin Fitzmaurice
Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies, BComm (Ottawa), BA (Queen's), MA, PhD (Trent)
Research Interests: Urban Indigenous Studies, Housing and Homelessness, Indigenous-Settler Politics and Law, Indigenous Critical Theory, and Indigenous Research Methods.
Chris Furgal
Professor, Indigenous Studies, BSc (Western Ontario), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo)
Research Interests: Environmental health impact assessment; environmental health risk management, assessment, and communication; mixed methods and involvement of indigenous knowledge and western science in environment and health studies; Aboriginal and circumpolar health and environmental change (e.g. contaminants, climate change and food security).
Cyndi Gilmer
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, RN, BScN (Western), MHScN, DHlthSc (Charles Sturt)
Research Interests: Homelessness; Health care leadership; Access to health care services.
Jonathan Greene
Assistant Professor, Politics & Canadian Studies, BA (Manitoba), MA (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (Queen’s)
Research Interests: Comparative and urban political economy and politics, the dynamics of collective action and protest, Marxism, immigration, poverty, and homelessness.
Mary Jean Hande
Assistant Professor, Sociology, BA (Saskatchewan), MA (York), PhD (Toronto)
Research Interests: Care policy, work, and politics; Aging, disability, and mad studies; Im/migrant and precarious work; Critical consciousness/social movement learning; Community-engaged research and learning; Critical theory and qualitative methods
Denise Handlarski
Associate Professor, BA (Trent), BEd (Queen's), MA, PhD (York)
Research Interests: spirituality and community in education, sex education, well-being and education, Jewish studies, and birth/motherhood studies.
Stephen Hill
Associate Professor and Director of the Trent School of the Environment, BSc, BA (Queen's), PhD (Calgary), PEng,
Research interests: Energy science, technology & policy; Social responses to renewable energy technology; Climate change policy and management; Environmental management and policy, particularly within organizations; Community-based environmental research.
Luigi Iannacci
Professor, Education, BA, BEd (York), MEd, PhD (Western)
Research Interests: Language and literacy; early childhood education; culturally and Linguistically diverse learners; critical multiculturalism; disability studies; narrative research methods.
Whitney Lackenbauer
Canada Research Chair and Professor, Canadian Studies, BA (Waterloo), MA, PhD (Calgary)
Research Interests: As Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the Study of the Canadian North, Lackenbauer’s current research program focuses on how Canada can and should balance its sovereignty, security and stewardship responsibilities in the North in ways that protect national interests and values, promote sustainable development and healthy communities, and facilitate circumpolar stability and cooperation. His other interests include modern Canadian and circumpolar history; political studies; military history / war and society; and Indigenous-state relations in Canada.
Erick Laming
Assistant Professor, Criminology, BA, MA (Carleton), PhD (Toronto),
Research Interests: policing; police use of force; police oversight and accountability; criminal justice policy and reform
Janet Miron
Associate Professor, History, BA (McGill), MA, PhD (York)
Research interests: cultural history; medicine and crime in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; sexuality; Canadian history.
Liam Mitchell
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies, Coordinator of Media Studies, BA (TRU), MA (York), PhD (Victoria)
Research Interests: Philosophy of technology and media theory, especially (post-)phenomenology; contemporary political theory, especially Heidegger and his successors and feminist theorists of subject formation; internet studies, generally including site-specific analyses of groups like Anonymous, social network sites like Facebook, and videogames like Bastion.
David Newhouse (Onondaga)
Professor, Indigenous Studies, BSc, MBA (Western Ontario)
Research Interests: Development of modern aboriginal societies with a focus on examining the underlying philosophical assumptions, notions and ideas which animate them; aboriginal economies.
Blair Niblett
Associate Professor, Education, BA HBOR, BA, BEd, MEd, PhD (Lakehead)
Research Interests: Activism in Education, experiential learning, outdoor and environmental education, social justice pedagogy
Naomi Nichols
Associate Professor, Sociology & Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Community-Partnered Social Justice, BA (Trent), BEd (Queen's) MA & PhD (York)
Research Interests: Social inequality; poverty; youth homelessness; youth justice; child welfare; education; "youth at risk"; youth mental health; higher education, research impact and community-academic research collaborations
Heather Nicol
Professor, School of the Environment, & Director, Frost Centre for Canadian Studies & Indigenous Studies, BA (Toronto), MES (York), PhD (Queen’s)
Research Interests: Canadian and Political Geography with emphasis on the Circumpolar North, Canada-US Borders and Geopolitics.
Alan O’Connor
Professor, Cultural Studies, BA (Trinity College, Dublin), MA, PhD (York)
Research Interests: Sociology of culture and mass media, subcultures, art and culture in small cities, global media studies, community media In Latin America.
Anne Pasek
Assistant Professor, Cultural Studies & Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture and the Environment, BA (Alberta), MA (McGill), PhD (NYU)
Research Interests: the role of energy in shaping academic norms and research methods; politics of infrastructure; critical making and research-creation processes; and feminist STS.
Karleen Pendleton Jimenez
Professor, Education, BA (UC Berkeley), MFA (San Diego State), PhD (York)
Research Interests: gender, sexuality, ethnicity and narrative in the Canadian context
Jackson Pind (Mixed Settler-Anishinaabe)
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Methodologies, BA, MA (Laurentian), PhD (Queen’s)
jacksonpind@trentu.ca www.indiandayschools.org
Research Interests: Indigenous history, particularly Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg history and the history of Indigenous education. Interested in community-based research projects involving the history of climate change, Indigenous-settler relationships and digital education.
Robin Quantick
Assistant Professor, Cross Appointed to the Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies and the Trent School of Business. BA (Trent), BEd (Queen's), MEd (Queen’s), PhD (Trent)
Research Interests: Prisons and Prison Education, Indigenization in the academy with particular emphasis on the application and efficacy of Indigenous Knowledge and decolonizing approaches in curriculum design and delivery.
Stephanie Rutherford
Associate Professor, School of the Environment, BA, (Toronto), MA (Guelph), PhD (York)
srutherford@trentu.ca www.mapping4change.org www.stephanierutherfordphd.com
Research interests: Cultural politics of nature, environmental humanities, animal geographies, environmental justice.
Bharati Sethi
Assistant Professor, Political Studies, & Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Care Work, Ethnicity, Race and Aging, BA, MA, PhD (Wilfrid Laurier)
Research Interests: caregiving, arts-based research, community-based participatory research, policy and immigration.
Paula Sherman (Omamiwinini)
Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies, BA (Eastern Connecticut), MA (University of Connecticut), PhD (Trent)
Research Interests: Indigenous historical consciousness and identities, Atlantic World and colonial encounters, International Indigenous peoples, and Indigenous women.
Mark Skinner
Professor, School of the Environment & Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences BA (Wilfrid Laurier), MA (Guelph), PhD (Queen's)
Research interests: Rural aging; Rural health care; Rural community sustainability; Voluntarism and the voluntary sector; Community-based research.
Barbara Moktthewenkwe Wall (Bodwewaadmii Anishinaabe)
Assistant Professor, Director of Studies, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies, BSc (Michigan Technological University), MSc (UC Berkeley), PhD (Trent), barbarawall@trentu.ca
Research Interests: Anishinaabe knowledge, culture and history; Indigenous Foodways; Collaboration of Indigenous Environmental Sciences and Euro-centric Sciences
Deborah White
Professor, Sociology, BA (Ryerson), MA (Toronto), PhD (Carleton)
Research Interests: The institutional responses to sexual violence, particularly medico-legal interventions and the role and nature of forensic evidence and experts in criminal justice systems, science and technology studies (STS), critical research on technologies of rape and sexual assault, specifically anti-rape technologies.
Adjunct Faculty
Kristi Allain BA (Trent), MA (Queen's), PhD (Trent/Carleton)
Associate Professor, Sociology, & Canada Research Chair in Physical Culture & Social Life, St. Thomas University
Research Interests: gender, aging, Canadian national identity, winter sports
Lisa Boucher BA (Western), MA (Guelph), PhD (York)
Assistant Professor, Gender & Social Justice, Trent University
Research Interests: social movements, feminist movements and organizations, gender-based violence and anti-violence activism, gender and public policy, the Canadian non-profit sector
Ken S. Coates, BA (UBC), MA (Manitoba), PhD (UBC)
Canada Research Chair and Distinguished Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan
Research interests: Northern Canadian history, Circumpolar innovation, Indigenous engagement in the natural resource economy, post-secondary education
James Cullingham M.A (UofT), Ph.D (York)
Research Interests: Canada, Indigenous - settler relations, Mexico, modern Europe, the United States and popular culture. James is a documentary filmmaker, historian and journalist. He is author of Two Dead White Men - Duncan Campbell Scott, Jacques Soustelle and the Failure of Indigenous Policy (Seneca Press 2021)
Michael Eamon BA (Université d’Ottawa), MA (Queen’s & Cambridge), PhD (Queen’s)
Principal, Catharine Parr Traill College
Research Interests: print culture, enlightenment, cultural and intellectual history
Karen Everett, PhD (Trent/Carleton)
Senior Research Associate with the Louis-Edmond-Hamelin Chair affiliated with the University of the Arctic, Université Laval
Research interests: Arctic security, governance, economy, and social inequality
Matthew Hayes BA (Trent), MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (Trent/Carleton)
Instructor, University Studies, Northern Lakes College
Research interests: conspiracy theory, UFOs and the supernatural, pseudoscience and unorthodox science, Cold War and postwar Canadian history, trust in government authority/expertise, documentary film, Atlantic Canada
Peter Kikkert BA & MA (Waterloo), PhD (Western)
Assistant Professor, Public Policy & Governance, St. Francis Xavier University
Research Interests: safety, security, sovereignty, and governance issues in the polar regions
Alison Norman B.A., M.A. (Queen's), B.Ed, Ph.D., (University of Toronto)
Research Officer, Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Research Interests: Indigenous history, women's and gender history, history of education.
James Onusko B.A. (Calgary), M.A. (Athabasca), Ph.D. (Trent/Carleton)
Instructor, University Studies, Northern Lakes College
Research Interests: childhood history; children's literature; urban studies; Canadian history
Laura Peers MA (Winnipeg), PhD (McMaster)
Research interests:repatriation, museum-Indigenous relations, museum anthropology, visual anthropology, historic material culture, North America
Katie Tremblay BMus (Windsor), BEd (Windsor), MA (UofT), PhD (UofT-OISE)
Assistant Professor, School of Education, Trent University
Research Interests: Music and art education, Indigenous education, Curriculum and Pedagogy
Professors Emeritus
Paul Elliott B.Sc., Ph.D (Wales)
Research Interests: Relationship between science, literacy and society; public understanding of science; the impact of personal schooling experiences on new science teachers’ professional practice; nature of good practice in biodiversity education.