Dr. Suresh Narine,
Director, Trent Centre for Biomaterials Research
Professor, Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry
Herstelling, Guyana
B.Sc. (Chemical Physics), Trent University
M.Sc. (Chemical Physics), AMINSS, Trent University
Ph.D. (Food Science/Materials Physics), University of Guelph
As director of the Trent Centre for Biomaterials Research, Dr. Suresh Narine is delighted – and sometimes a bit humbled – to be working with such a talented team of organic chemists, materials physicists, and polymer chemists.
Dr. Narine believes that working within a cradle-to-cradle lifecycle has untold potential for real societal change. Sometimes the prospect of truly renewable materials helping to re-shape the face and functionality of the world around us has Dr. Narine feeling a bit heady.
A bit of a self-professed cheerleader for Trent, Dr. Narine is thrilled to be back in an environment where there’s real energy for discourse; where you can find a politics professor, a philosophy professor, and a physics student deeply engaged in a spontaneous conversation about what their work means to the environment.
Dr. Narine’s excitement about his work and about life is contagious. For him, there’s untold satisfaction in explaining the work he does to his (very cool) children, and watching their eyes light up with understanding and interest.
Maintaining a connection with his native Guyana, Dr. Narine writes and performs Guyanese dialect poetry and plays Indian drums (tabla and dholak). He is compiling a dictionary of Guyanese Creole, and does volunteer work in Guyana as the director of their National Institute of Applied Science and Technology.
As if life weren’t fast-moving enough, Dr. Narine has been known to speeds things up on his Honda VTX 1300 motorcycle, exploring the back roads around Peterborough, and making cross-country type trips every year.