- B.Sc. (Carleton University)
- M.Sc. (Carleton University)
- Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
Office: LHS D242
Lab: LHS D207
Phone: 705-748-1011 ext.7435
Email: lkerr@trentu.ca
Research interests
- Behavioural Neuroscience
- Environmental stressors and developmental plasticity
My research examines how the early life environment influences physiological and cellular mechanisms involved in development, growth, and behaviour.
BIOL 4840H: Neuroendocrinology
PSYC-BIOL 3210H: Principles of the nervous system
BIOM 1000H: Introduction to Biomedical Sciences
Selected publications
Bennett, A.M., Longhi, J.N., Chin, E.H., Burness, G, Kerr, L.R., Murray, D.L. (2016) Acute changes in whole-body corticosterone in response to perceived predation risk: a mechanism for anti-predator behavior in anurans? General and Comparative Endocrinology 229:62-66. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen. 2016.02.024
Wang, L., Charoensuksai, P., Watson, N.J., Wang, X., Zhao, Z., Coriano, C.G.,Kerr, L., Xu, W. (2013). CARM1 automethylation is controlled at the level of alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 41: 1-11.
Boyd, A., Salleh, A., Humber, B., Yee, J., Tomes, L., Kerr L.R. (2010). Neonatal experiences differentially influence mammary gland morphology, estrogen receptor alpha protein levels, and carcinogenesis in BALB/c mice. Cancer Prevention Research 3(11):1398-1408.
Kerr, L.R., Andrews, H.N., Strange, K.S., Emerman, J.T., Weinberg, J. (2006) Temporal factors alter effects of social housing conditions on responses to chemotherapy and hormone levels in a Shionogi mammary tumor model. Psychosomatic Medicine 68:966-975.
Winocur, G., Vardy,J., Binns, M., Kerr, L., Tannock, I. (2006) The Effects of the Anti-Cancer Drugs Methotrexate and 5-Fluorouracil on Cognitive Function in Mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior 85:66-75.
Hilakivi-Clarke, L., Cabanes, A., Olivo, S., Kerr, L., Bouker, K.B., Clarke, R. (2002) Do estrogens always increase breast cancer risk? Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 80:163-174.
Kerr, L.R., Hundal, R., Silva, W.A., Emerman, J.T., Weinberg, J. (2001) Effects of social housing condition on chemotherapeutic efficacy in a Shionogi Carcinoma (SC115) mouse tumor model: influences of temporal factors, tumor size, and tumor growth rate. Psychosomatic Medicine, 63: 973-984.