- B.Sc. (Trent University)
- Ph.D. (Carleton University)
Office: LHS D236
Lab: LHS D204
Phone: 705-748-1011 ext. 7873
Email: GrahamRaby@trentu.ca
Twitter: @graham_raby
Research Interests
- Metabolic ecology and bioenergetics
- Thermal biology
- Conservation physiology
- Fisheries management and conservation
- Biotelemetry, biologging, and movement ecology
My research integrates concepts and techniques from ecophysiology, behavioural ecology, bioenergetics, fisheries science, thermal biology, and other areas relevant to fish ecology. The broad goal of my research program is to make discoveries about fish ecology while also generating knowledge that is useful for conservation and resource management. My lab collaborates with a diverse network of people and institutions, including working directly with knowledge users for appropriate projects.
BIOL 3140H: Fish Ecology
BIOL 3380H: Advanced Ecology
BIOL 4400Y: Placement in Conservation Biology
ENLS 5000H: Research Foundations
Selected Publications
Reid, CH, GD Raby, CS Vandergoot, MD Faust, SJ Cooke. 2022. Cardiac activity in walleye (Sander vitreus) during exposure to and recovery from chemical anaesthesia, electroanaesthesia, and electrostunning Journal of Fish Biology, in press.
Brownscombe, JW, GD Raby, KJ Murchie, AJ Danylchuk, SJ Cooke. 2022. An energetics-performance framework for wild fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, in press.
Madliger, CL, MJA Creighton, GD Raby, JR Bennett, K Bernie-Gauvin, RJ Lennox, SJ Cooke. 2022. Physiology as a tool for at-risk animal recovery planning: an analysis of Canadian recovery strategies with global recommendations. Conservation Science and Practice, in press.
Bergman, JN, GD Raby, KL Neigel, CD Rennie, S Balshine, JR Bennett, AT Fisk, SJ Cooke. 2022. Tracking the early stages of an invasion with biotelemetry: behaviour of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Canada’s historic Rideau Canal. Biological Invasions 24:1149-1173.
Raby, GD, C Doherty, A Mokdad, TE Pitcher, AT Fisk. 2020. Post-exercise respirometry underestimates maximum metabolic rate in juvenile salmon. Conservation Physiology 8:coaa063.
Clark, TD, GD Raby, DG Roche, SA Binning, B Speers-Roesch, F Jutfelt, J Sundin. 2020. Ocean acidification does not impair the behaviour of coral reef fishes. Nature 577:370-375.
Raby, GD, TB Johnson, ST Kessel, TJ Stewart, AT Fisk. 2020. Pop-off data storage tags reveal niche partitioning between native and non-native predators in a novel ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:181-191.
Raby, GD, V Messmer, AJ Tobin, AS Hoey, F Jutfelt, J Sundin, SJ Cooke, TD Clark. 2018. Swim for it: effects of simulated fisheries capture on the post-release behaviour of four Great Barrier Reef fishes. Fisheries Research 206:129-137.
Raby, GD, CS Vandergoot, TA Hayden, MD Faust, RT Kraus, JM Dettmers, SJ Cooke, Y Zhao, AT Fisk, CC Krueger. 2018. Does behavioral thermoregulation underlie seasonal movements in Lake Erie walleye? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:488-496.
Louison, MJ, CT Hasler, GD Raby, CD Suski, JA Stein. 2017. Chill out: physiological responses to winter ice-angling in two temperate freshwater fishes. Conservation Physiology 5:cox027.
Jutfelt, F, J Sundin, GD Raby, A-S Krang, TD Clark. 2017. Two-current choice flumes for testing avoidance and preference in aquatic animals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8:379-390.
Raby, GD, MT Casselman, SJ Cooke, SG Hinch, AP Farrell, TD Clark. 2016. Aerobic scope increases throughout an ecologically relevant temperature range in coho salmon. Journal of Experimental Biology 219:1922-1931.
Cooke, SJ, JW Brownscombe, GD Raby, F Broell, SG Hinch, TD Clark, JM Semmens. 2016. Remote bioenergetics measurements in wild fish: opportunities and challenges. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 202:23-37.
Raby, GD, SG Hinch, DA Patterson, JA Hills, LA Thompson, SJ Cooke. 2015. Mechanisms to explain purse seine bycatch mortality of coho salmon. Ecological Applications 25:1757-1775.
Raby, GD, JR Packer, AJ Danylchuk, SJ Cooke. 2014. The underappreciated and understudied role of predators in the mortality of fish released from fishing gears. Fish and Fisheries 15:489-505.
Raby, GD, MR Donaldson, SG Hinch, DA Patterson, AG Lotto, D Robichaud, KK English, WG Willmore, AP Farrell, MW Davis, SJ Cooke. 2012. Validation of reflex indicators for measuring vitality and predicting the delayed mortality of wild coho salmon bycatch released from fishing gears. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:90-98.
I'm always keen to hear from students and post-docs interested in joining the team. Please get in touch by email!