Incorrect myTrent Community Login Page

It appears that you do not have an active account in myTrent Community. The myTrent Community is referring to an alumni exclusive portion of the website containing alumni specific content. If you are looking to acess your myTrent account for transcripts (official or unofficial), your myTrent Email or other account features you DO NOT require a myTrent Community. If that is the case please click here.

NOTE FOR RECENT GRADS: Over the next few months your student accounts will be migrated over to alumni accounts allowing access to this portion of the website. Thank you for your patience while we migrate the accounts.

If you do require a myTrent Community account please visit our registration page, and fill out the New User Registration Form to create a new account or reactivate an old account. 

For password resets, visit the password retrieval page.

For further login assistance email or call 1-866-449-0072.