Schedules, Calendars, and Planners
Long-Term Planning
4-Month (Term-at-a-Glance) Calendar
Download or print this calendar to support your long-term planning. Review long-term planning strategies.
Winter 2025
Due Date Planner
This due date spreadsheet template provides a countdown to your assignment deadlines, supporting you with prioritizing and planning assignment work.
Using a Due Date Spreadsheet Effectively
- Go through the syllabus for each class and carefully note all assignment due dates and exams. Put these dates into your Due Date Spreadsheet.
- You can use a different colour for each course if this helps.
- Add as much detail that is helpful to you: weight/worth, notes about the task, status (in progress, complete).
- Note that the 'Days until due' (Column E) in the template has a formula in place to calculate the number of days until the assignment is due. Simply add your due dates to Column C, and the countdown column will update.
- If you notice certain crunch periods where multiple tasks are due around the same time, you might consider adding your own start dates or mini due dates.
- Save your spreadsheet in a place where you can view it often for quick reference.
Short-Term Planning
24/7 Schedule
Download or print this schedule to support your short-term planning. Review short-term planning strategies.
2-Week Planner
Download or print this schedule to support your short-term planning. This document works well with your 24/7 weekly schedule and your plan for research, writing and study. Review short-term planning strategies.
To-Do List Template
Download or print this template to support your short-term planning. Review short-term planning strategies.
Assignment Work Plan
This template encourage you to prioritize upcoming assignments and plan next steps to manage multiple deadlines and assignments. Review assignment planning strategies.
Exam Study Plan
Analyze each of your upcoming exams. Complete the chart with information about the type of exam questions, the length of the exam, and which strategies you'll use to study. Then set out blocks of time for study in a calendar - note the course and amount of time you plan to study. Each day, you can make a list of the content you plan to cover and the strategies you'll use to study.