A "Complex Development" for a Diverse and Endangered World: 2023 David Morrison Lecture in International Development
- Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Please join us as Cristina Rojas delivers the 2023 David Morrison Lecture in International Development, the talk is titled A "Complex Development" for a Diverse and Endangered World.
A 'Complex Development' for a Diverse and Endangered World
This lecture examines a proposal for "complex development" that expands the conversation on development between the Global North and the Global South while also encompassing the relationship between humans and non-humans. We illustrate both the potential and shortcomings of diversified development through Bolivia's indigenous organizations' contributions, including an indigenous-inspired constitution, a law for the protection of Mother Earth, proposals for communitarian feminism, and principles drawn from Indigenous cosmologies such as "living well," a politics for life, and a worldview of "where many worlds fit."
About Cristina Rojas
Cristina Rojas is a Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University (Canada). Her academic research focuses on the intersection between ethnic politics, development, peace and citizenship studies. Presently she is leading with Mario Blaser the research project “Territory Making as World Making. Territorial practices of indigenous and afro descendent communities in Bolivia, Colombia and Paraguay. She won the Eminent Scholar Award from the Global International Relation Section (2024) and the Global Development Section (2016) from the International Studies Association; the Distinguished Fellow Award (2019) from the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies; and the Faculty of Public Affairs Carleton University granted the Research Award (2015) and the Graduate Students Mentoring Award (2015). Cristina Rojas is the author of Civilization and Violence: Regimes of Representation in Nineteenth Century Colombia, co-editor of Narratives and Imaginings of Citizenship in Latin America and Elusive Peace: International, National and Local Dimensions of Conflict in Colombia.
About the David Morrison Lecture in International Development
The David Morrison Lecture in International Development brings globally distinguished scholars, who are renowned for the impact that their intellectual and applied work has had on international development studies, to Trent University to address members of the Trent and Peterborough communities.
About the Community Speaker Series
Sharing knowledge is one of the ways Trent University gives back to our host communities and provides lifelong learning experiences to alumni. Each year, Trent offers open lectures featuring visiting faculty and experts, sharing ideas on subjects such as the Environment, Gender & Women's Studies, Business & Society, Chemistry, Cultural Studies, and Indigenous Studies. These talks are free and open to the Trent and broader communities. These lectures are made possible thanks to generous donor support.
For more information, contact alumni@trentu.ca
Posted on June 27, 2023