Academic Mentoring Program
The Academic Mentoring Program is a network of student volunteers who foster academic engagement by creating an environment where students can continue to explore their academic potential.
Enrich your academic experience by participating in the following:
- Study groups
- One-on-one Mentoring
- Discovering strategies for success
- Exploring services and resources on the Durham campus
And by helping you get involved with Trent University Durham!
To connect with us, please email
Who Is An Academic Mentor?
Academic Mentors are accomplished students who serve as role models and represent an important source of information and guidance.
Academic Mentors take advantage of campus supports and help fellow students tap into these resources. Academic Mentors volunteer their time and are not tutors or Teaching Assistants.
To speak with the Academic Mentoring Coordinator about how to get involved, email the Academic Mentoring Coordinator.
One on One Mentoring
One on One Mentoring is offered for students who are looking for more individual or specific support. Please contact the Academic Mentoring Program Coordinator to be paired with an academic mentor.
Study Groups
Join our Academic Peer Mentors in a study group this term!
Policing & Community Well Being: Mondays from 2:00 - 3:00pm
Join our academic mentors in Policing & Community Well-being for a drop-in study group. Snacks and camaraderie provided!
Business: Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:30
Join upper-level finance, business, and HR students to talk about concepts, tools, and tips for success
Psychology: Wednesdays from 2:30 – 3:30
Join Darren Nesbitt, Math and Sciences Academic Skills Instructor and upper-level psychology students for support and advice related to psychology classes.
Academic Skills Writing Lab
Thursdays from 11:30 – 12:30
Bring your work in progress to our writing lab and write alongside academic mentors. Support and feedback available from Academic Skills Instructors.
Academic Peer Mentor Coordinator
Hey Trent students! My name is Tafari, and I will be coordinating the Academic Mentoring Program for this school year. I am in my third year of studies, and I am tremendously excited to be a part of this initiative. During my first year at Trent, I was having a great time; however, I was experiencing so much stress when it came to my academics. If I knew there was a group that could have helped during my first two years at Trent, I would have avoided a notable amount of stress and headaches. This is part of the reason why I am involved in this year's running of the program. I am majoring in business administration with a specialization in finance and I am eager to meet all of you.